Object specifications for metadata management @ IQB 1.3.0

The web applications of IQB use a flexible metadata system. The data structures described below help to implement components and libraries to edit, store and process these values.

Go to the Schema section of this document and select one schema. Expand all nodes and explore.


  • SUB iqb_data_structures

    Operation IDPlease select one schema

    Accepts the following message:

    Message IDselect_schema



  • object
    uid: https://w3id.org/iqb/vocabs/md-profile.json

    Data structure to manage UI components for metadata of objects

  • object
    uid: https://w3id.org/iqb/vocabs/md-profile-store.schema.json

    File to list profiles in a metadata profile store

  • object
    uid: https://w3id.org/iqb/vocabs/md-values.json

    Data structure to store metadata